Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Infrastructure Bank Connects with Community Leaders at League of Cities and Towns Annual Conference, Legislative Day

Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank participated in two notable events recently in an effort to highlight local infrastructure investment opportunities across the state and raise awareness of the financing opportunities available through the Bank.

At the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns Annual Conference, the Bank hosted a panel discussion titled Investing in Your Local Infrastructure. Moderated by the Bank’s CEO Jeffrey Diehl, the panel also featured Fred Presley (Town Manager, West Warwick), Dylan Zelazo (Mayoral Chief of Staff, Pawtucket), Jan Reitsma (Town Manager, Warren) and Michael Baer (Senior Advisor, RI Infrastructure Bank), the panel highlighted the Bank’s new programs, its past successes and future focus.

The panel members shared their experiences financing projects through the Bank and offered feedback on the infrastructure needs of their communities. Each of the three communities represented on the panel has been active in utilizing the Bank’s programs, including new programs such as Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) and the Efficient Buildings Fund.

Bank staff also participated in other panel discussions at the League of Cities and Towns Annual Conference. Jeffrey Diehl appeared on a panel titled Using an Intermediary to Issue Municipal Debt, where he discussed the financing options available to municipalities through the Bank. Michael Baer joined a second panel titled Saving Money by Implementing Energy Projects to discuss new energy efficiency and renewable energy finance programs offered by the Bank.

The Bank also held an open house at the Rhode Island State House to educate legislators and other community leaders on what the Bank is doing to grow the state’s economy, create local jobs, and protect the environment.

Attendees had the opportunity to speak directly with Bank staff members about the Bank’s latest initiatives and how they are helping Rhode Island communities meet their local needs.

“These events are important opportunities to connect with Rhode Island’s community leaders,” said Jeffrey Diehl, CEO of Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank. “We want municipalities to better understand how we can partner with them to realize their unique infrastructure investment needs.”

Learn more about how RI Infrastructure Bank is helping
Rhode Island communities across the state:

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