Thursday, December 21, 2017

Infrastructure Bank CEO Shares Insights at CDFA New England Panel

RI Infrastructure Bank CEO Jeffrey Diehl recently joined economic development experts from across New England to participate in a panel that discussed accelerating clean energy investment through the Green Bank Model.

Diehl joined panelists Bert Hunter (CIO, Connecticut Green Bank) and Brian McCarter (CEO, Sustainable Real Estate Solutions) at the Council of Development Finance Agencies New England Financing Roundtable in Boston to discuss the Infrastructure Bank’s experience and successes bringing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to all corners of Rhode Island. The panel also explored the successes and challenges of the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program and ways to leverage the program to increase investment in clean energy projects.

As federal and state funding for clean energy infrastructure holds constant or declines, Green Banks are closing the gaps for clean energy projects and facilitating finance opportunities to reach more communities. These new finance strategies are boosting economic development in New England, and helping to strengthen its infrastructure.

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