Friday, March 30, 2018

Infrastructure Bank Seeks Applications for Water Infrastructure Projects

Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank is currently seeking loan applications for water projects. The Infrastructure Bank has partnered with the Center for Drinking Water Quality (DWQ) at the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) to identify drinking water projects scheduled for construction in Spring 2019 that may be eligible for low-cost financing. Low-cost financing is offered to help applicants make smart, affordable investments in drinking water systems. To be eligible for financing, projects must be listed on RIDOH’s Project Priority List (PPL). Applications to RIDOH to be placed on the PPL are due by the end of March. Click here for further information about the Drinking Water financing program.

The Infrastructure Bank is also soliciting financing applications for wastewater and stormwater projects through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Approved borrowers receive a discounted interest rate to help affordably fund these projects. Projects must appear on the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s PPL to be eligible for financing. Interested borrowers must submit a completed questionnaire to the Infrastructure Bank to be considered. Click here for more information about CWSRF.

Questions regarding the Drinking Water and Clean Water financing programs may be directed to Michael Baer, Managing Director at Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, at, or by phone at 401-453-4430, extension 127.

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