Thursday, April 26, 2018

RI Infrastructure Bank Approves Clean Water Financing for Four Municipalities

Bristol, Middletown, Warren and Westerly have successfully applied to receive financing for wastewater and stormwater improvement projects through Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). CWSRF provides below market interest rate loans for municipalities, wastewater utilities, and others to complete projects that mitigate water pollution.

Warren will undertake significant renovations to their wastewater treatment plant. The renovations include implementation of new screening and odor control equipment and new pumps in the pump station, improvements to the sludge collection and treatment system, improvements to resiliency resulting from storm surge and sea level rise, and improvements to stormwater treatment at the facility. These comprehensive upgrades will help to improve water quality in the Warren River, improve energy efficiency and reliability, and ensure that the facility is protected against severe weather. 

Middletown will improve their sewer lines at upper Easton’s Point, while Bristol will enhance drainage systems at their wastewater treatment facility and improve the Town’s sewer system. Westerly will undertake repairs for the solids separation collection system at their wastewater treatment facility.

In order to be eligible for financing through the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, projects must be listed on the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management’s Project Priority List, available by clicking here.

Questions related to the Clean Water financing program may be directed to Michael Baer, Managing Director at Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, via email at or by phone at 401-453-4430, ext. 127. For further information about CWSRF click here.

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